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Landscape Grading for your Yard

Updated: Nov 22, 2022

When it comes to dirt work and grading there are many different types. Whether you have recently built a house and need to install grass or if you have an existing landscape and are experiencing drainage and water issues, reshaping the lay of the land might be the best solution for your needs. There are many factors that come into play to create an excellent outdoor experience.


If we go back to the beginning stages of construction there is excavation for your foundation. Footings need to be placed below the frost line so digging is required. Utilities such as water, sewer, power, gas and cable may need to be run underground. After the concrete foundation is poured and the utilities are in place backfilling and compaction are performed. If correct compaction techniques are not utilized then some future settling may occur. Depending on the site, excess fill dirt may need to be hauled off. While in other situations additional soil may need to be brought in.

Rough Grade

Once a house is built generally the contractor will leave it roughly graded. The main objective of this is to direct water away from the house. While not all lots allow for water to drain away from the house in every direction, most jurisdictions require that there is positive drainage away from the foundation a minimum distance. When it comes to landscaping a yard, generally additional rough grading is performed as this is the foundation the finish grade will lay on. If there are visible signs of settling or poor drainage those areas can be addressed and filled at this time.

Finish Grade

Now that the basic shape of the yard is in place a final grading is required to best meet the needs of a finished backyard landscape. Often topsoil is imported for the final layer to assist with seed or sod establishment. Soil is prepped for sod or seed by removing large rocks and loosening up compacted soil. Soil adjacent to sidewalks, patios and other hardscapes are brought to the correct elevation for a seamless transition. Here you can find more information on Proper care and Watering for New Seed or Sod Lawns.

Retaining Wall

Sometimes the native lay of the land is undesirable and provides too much slope for usable space. In this situation a retaining wall can be built to create terraces. It is important that some slope is maintained so water does not sit and cause issues. Retaining walls can come in many forms. Boulder or stones can be used to retain soil. This method or retention creates a more natural appearance. If you prefer a clean organized design then a paver retaining wall is likely best for you.


When it comes to your yard drainage it is one of those things that nobody thinks about until it’s a problem. And when it’s a problem it can be a big deal! This really is an entire topic on it’s own but in general we always want to keep water moving. Lawn areas should have a minimum slope of 2-5 percent. This will allow water to keep moving and once weather has passed these areas can dry out which is best for the health of your lawn and will prevent disease and fungus. One of the biggest causes of water is non permeable surfaces such as a roof and driveway. Generally the driveway is sloped to the street and not a concern. But the roof sheds water very quickly and discharges this water in locations along the foundation. It is best to extend these water outlets a minimum of 10 feet away from the house. Other site specific water issues may be present and those need to be dealt with on a case by case basis. There are many different types of drainage solutions; foundation drain, french drain, surface inlet box, swale, channel drain, culvert, dry creek bed and many more. For more information on drainage you can check out this swale project: How to Stop Water Runoff from Neighbors Yard.


The installation of a sprinkler or irrigation system may be desirable in your situation. An automatic sprinkler can assist with watering your lawn or plants creating a healthy lush landscape. Trenches need to be dug for line installation as well as a water connection at the supply line. Generally this work is performed after the rough grading and before finish grading. This ensures consistent line depth if there are large changes in the site elevations.


In general there are two main categories of soil; fill dirt and topsoil. Fill dirt generally has more rocks or clay in it and is not suitable for growing grass. Whereas topsoil generally has little or no rocks and is better to grow grass and plants. Different types of soil have varying amounts of clay, silt and sand. Depending on the use it is important to have the right type of soil. For fill dirt where compaction is required sandy soil is not desirable. Sandy soils have the best drainage characteristics but will not withstand erosion very well.

Earth Moving Equipment

While there are many different types of earth moving equipment some of the more common equipment are excavators, skid loaders and dump trucks. Compact excavators or MiniEx for short are very common and are miniature versions of their larger counterparts. For residential yards this is a perfect package for digging trenches for utilities or footings for retaining walls. If outfitted with a thumb they can also be used to place stone boulders or steps in place for a decorative purpose. Skid-steer loaders or track skid are used to place dirt as well as smooth and grade a site. Attachments can be found for both and assist with the soil installation and preparation process. Dump trucks or 10 wheelers are used to import large amounts of fill dirt, topsoil, gravel or rocks. This is often the best way to import or export materials to and from a project.

While every property is unique and different these are some basics that may help you get started in knowing what best meets your individual needs. At Jasper Ridge we strive to provide “Professional Landscape Services” to our clients in Joplin, Carl Junction, Webb City and surrounding areas in Missouri. We would welcome the opportunity to assist you by finding a solution that best meets your specific needs. For more information about Jasper Ridge LLC please contact us using the contact form.

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